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A Bumper Garlic Harvest In May
Release time:2024-03-09 Visits:

The harvest time of garlic is generally from mid to late May to June. Before harvesting, check whether the garlic is ripe. When the leaves at the bottom of the garlic are yellow and the skin of the garlic is thin, it is ripe. If garlic is ripe, it should be harvested as soon as possible. Otherwise, the garlic skin will easily rot in rainy days. In cold winters, seedlings cannot survive the winter safely and may suffer freezing damage when planted in autumn, so it is best to sow in early spring. Garlic grown in spring has a much shorter growth period than garlic grown in autumn.Different places have different harvest times. Fuyang is generally in the middle and late May.

The harvest time of garlic is from late May to early June in spring.The best time to harvest garlic is in mid-May.Strengthen fertilizer and water management, and scientifically control pests and diseases.

The best time to harvest garlic is in mid-May.Garlic starts in mid to late July.The harvest time of garlic is generally from mid to late May to June.

Previous article:How To Store Garlic
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