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Garlic is Pre-Storage Treatment
Release time:2024-03-09 Visits:

Garlic storage conditions: temperature is around -2.5℃, relative humidity is 70%~75%, in controlled atmosphere storage, oxygen concentration is 3%~5%, carbon dioxide concentration is about 10%.

Airing before storage: The outer scales of the air-dried garlic gradually dry out into a film, which can prevent internal water loss and external water infiltration, which is conducive to dormancy, storage and transportation. The drying period requires a high temperature of 26~35℃. When drying, the garlic stems and leaves should cover the garlic heads, that is, only the stems and leaves are dried, and the garlic should be turned frequently during the drying process. Generally, after drying for 2 to 3 days, use a knife to cut off the roots. You can turn to a cool place to dry. During this period, you should pay attention to ventilation to prevent internal heating and mildew. After it is basically dried, cut off the stems and leaves and peel off the floating skin. When further drying, you need to spread the garlic heads on the mat to prevent exposure to the sun.

Inhibit germination:

Inhibit the germination of garlic during storage. External conditions: ①Low temperature and low humidity; ②High temperature and low humidity (storage temperature above 32℃, relative humidity below 60%); ③Low oxygen and high carbon dioxide content air conditioning environment (oxygen concentration not less than 2%, carbon dioxide concentration not Above 12%); ④Spray Qingxiansu in the field before harvest (1~3 days before harvest, use 0.2%~0.4% Qingxiansu for field spraying, and re-spray in case of rain within 24 hours after spraying); ⑤ Radiation treatment (treatment with gamma ray of 80~150 Gray). In production, cold storage is often used for low-temperature and low-humidity storage, or it is stored in cold storage after radiation treatment.

Next article:How To Store Garlic
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